Proposal to Revise the Consolidated Fee Schedule
Public Invited to Review and Comment
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency (SRCAA) is proposing revisions to its Consolidated Fee Schedule, 10.15(B) Annual Registration Fee, for marijuana producers and processors in Spokane County. If adopted, the proposed revisions will reduce the annual registration fees for marijuana producers and processors by 21 percent.
Review: Proposed Changes to Consolidated Fee Schedule, 10.15(B). To request a hard copy of the proposed revisions, please call Margee Chambers at (509) 477-4727 ext. #114.
Public Comment Period: Written comments on the proposed changes to the Consolidated Fee Schedule will be accepted now until the close of the Public Hearing on March 7, 2019. Written comments received by February 27, 2019 will be included in the Board packet and pre-hearing presentation. Send or email comments to:
- SRCAA, Attn Margee Chambers, 3104 E. Augusta Ave., Spokane, WA 99207.
Public Hearing: A public hearing on the proposed changes to the Consolidated Fee Schedule will be held during the SRCAA Board of Directors Meeting, Thursday, March 7, 2019. The meeting starts at 9:30 a.m., at SRCAA’s office, 3104 E. Augusta Ave., Spokane, WA 99207. At the public hearing, after public comments are heard, the Board of Directors may decide whether or not to adopt the proposed amendments.
Tips for providing public comments/public testimony.