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No-Idle Zone Program

No-Idle Zone sign displayed at Spokane Community Colleges preschool.
Did you know?

Children breathe 50 percent more air per pound than adults.

Asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalizations among children under the age of 15.

Children’s asthma symptoms can increase as a result of car exhaust exposure.

Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children and the cause of most school absences.

Reducing vehicle exhaust at schools

No one wants children breathing vehicle exhaust. Yet a great deal of idling takes place at schools. Buses and cars consistently line up to drop-off and pick-up students. This is concerning because children are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of vehicle exhaust.

In fact, a single vehicle dropping off and picking up students at one school puts three pounds of pollution into the air per month. Help put the brakes on unnecessary vehicle idling and contribute to better air for our kids and our communities.

If you are interested in implementing a No-Idle Zone program at your school or adapting it for another organization, our agency can help with advice and consultation, signs and other collateral. Program coordinators could be a teacher, parent, PTA group, student group or other interested party. Contact us to get started!

“All Cheney Public Schools are No-Idle Zones because we know that it all adds up to clean air for our kids. Our drop off and pick up areas are No-Idle Zones as are our school bus transportation loops.”

Debra J. Clemens, Ph.D., former Superintendent, Cheney Public Schools

School No-Idle Zone Program

Our focus is elementary and middle schools for the No-Idle Zone Program because they tend to see the most vehicle idling. As a school, you agree to:

Post two No-Idle Zone signs in the student drop-off/pick-up areas. These signs are provided free-of-charge.

Distribute hard copy or electronic program materials, provided to your school free-of-charge, to school families. This includes a program cover letter, an idling fact sheet, optional pledge form and thank you notes and incentives.

Schools have the option of engaging their students in math and science activities, such as data collection and analysis by conducting pre and post program observations of idling behavior. Most schools that have implemented the program have seen a dramatic decrease in vehicle idling at their school.

If the school is interested, information geared toward drivers of school buses and delivery vehicles is available. These drivers can “make a pledge not to idle unnecessarily.”

Call or email to sign up for the program, 509-477-4727, ext. 125 or APawlak@spokanecleanair.org.

Community No-Idle Zone Program

In addition to schools, the No-Idle Zone is reaching into communities and neighborhoods in the Spokane-area. Congratulations to the City of Liberty Lake, Washington! They are the first city in Washington to pass a No-Idle Zone resolution to support and encourage their residents to avoid unnecessary idling in their community. The City of Millwood also adopted a No-Idle Zone resolution.

Current No-Idle Zone Schools

Congratulations to these Spokane County school districts and schools that have implemented the No-Idle Zone program. If your school is not on the list, please email us at APawlak@SpokaneCleanAir.org and we’ll get you started!

Central Valley:

 South Pines, Sunrise, University, Bowdish MS, Greenacres MS, North Pines MS


Betz, Salnave, Snowdon, Sunset, Windsor, HomeWorks, Westwood MS, Cheney MS

East Valley:

East Farms, Otis Orchards, Trent, Trentwood, East Valley MS


Brentwood, Colbert, Creekside, Evergreen, Farwell, Meadow Ridge, Midway, Prairie View, Shiloh Hills, Skyline, Highland MS, Mountainside MS, Northwood MS

Medical Lake:

Hallett, Michael Anderson, Medical Lake MS

West Valley:

Ness, Orchard Center, Pasadena Park, Seth Woodard, Millwood, West Valley City School, Centennial MS 

Private Schools:

Spokane International Academy, St. Aloysius Catholic School, St. Charles Catholic School, St. John Vianney Catholic School, Pioneer School

Spokane Public Schools: In the Spring of 2023, SPS launched its own Idle Free Zone program! Kudos to SPS for embracing the goal of improving children’s health around our schools. Contact SPS for more information.