6th – 12th grade teachers! You’ll receive an air quality sensor kit for your school!
Register today, space will
fill up quickly!
Welcome kids, parents and educators!
Engaging with our youth is a priority for Spokane Clean Air. Take a look around. You’ll find resources to help students understand and care about Spokane’s air.
Classroom Visits
We are available to engage K-12 students in Spokane County with classroom presentations. We can adjust our lessons to fit your needs so don’t hesitate to ask us for something specific.
To discuss and schedule a classroom program, please contact Anneka Pawlak at 509-477-4727, ext. 125 or APawlak@spokanecleanair.org
Kids Making Sense Program for Middle and High Schools
Air sensors are great tools for educators to engage with their students around the topic of air quality. With the assistance of a state grant and support from three local business sponsors, Spokane Clean Air implemented the Kids Making Sense® program in eight pilot schools during the 2022-23 school year. Read more in this pilot program report.
We are currently seeking middle and high school teachers in Spokane County to attend our free six-hour training, held on March 8, 2025!
By attending the training, your school receives a KMS classroom kit valued at $2600. Learn more and register! Space will fill up fast, so don’t delay, register today!

Special thanks to these participating organization and sponsors:
- Washington State Department of Ecology
- Spokane Public Library and Spokane County Library District
- Spokane Public Schools
- Cheney School District
- Medical Lake School District
- West Valley School District
- Avista
- Central Pre-Mix/Inland Asphalt
- Hotstart Thermal Management
For more information about the program, please contact Anneka Pawlak at 509-477-4727, ext. 125 or APawlak@spokanecleanair.org and reserve today!
No-Idle Zone Program
We implement a statewide, award-winning No-Idle Zone program for area elementary and middle schools. Read about the program and the materials we provide to schools. Call or email to sign up for the program, 509-477-4727, ext. 125 or APawlak@spokanecleanair.org.
Resource Library
We know how important it is to engage students in environmental education and we provide the following resources to help.
Climate Change Resources for Educators and Students
This EPA webpage has various Climate Change educational resources for educators and students. Other resources are being reviewed and will be added soon – please check back!
3 minute newsletter – a short one-page newsletter that provides resources for you to explore with your students in grades 3-5. *Please Note: The 3-minute newsletter is temporarily on-hold due to staffing issues. Below are past issues for your use!
Air monitoring in Spokane County
Understanding temperature inversions
Care about the air on Earth Day and every day
Other resources:
Nora & Wes: A Quest for Clean Air coloring storybook is geared toward K-4th graders. It includes puzzles and coloring pages for students to learn about air quality.
Nora & Wes: Airo’s Quest for Clean Air a graphic novel geared toward 5-8th graders. It is a step up from the coloring storybook and features a comic style that is fun and educational for an older audience. To request hard copies of these materials, email LWoodard@SpokaneCleanAir.org.
Why is Coco Red? Follow Coco and his friends on a new adventure as they learn about wildfire smoke and how it can affect air quality and health. This book is for all children, especially those with asthma, and their caretakers
The Air We Breathe is a colorful picture book is designed to introduce Earth’s atmosphere and its importance to life on Earth – appropriate for students in grades K-4.
Our Air Quality Scavenger Hunt helps kids explore the air.
Join Arthur and his friend Buster as they discover more about asthma at PBS Kids.
This webpage provides lesson plans and resources organized by environmental topic.
Instructions to Build Your Own Particle Sensor. This activity will teach the basics about particulate matter air pollution and electronics.
More resources from other agencies, including NASA.
Annual Poster Contest
Calling all Spokane County artists in grade K-5!
Participate in our 2025 poster contest! Create a poster with the theme ” We Share the Air.”
The poster contest entries must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on April 15, 2025, by mail at 1610 S. Technology Blvd., Suite 101, Spokane, WA 99224 or by email submission to APawlak@SpokaneCleanAir.org.
Prizes will be awarded to finalists, and finalist submissions will be displayed in public places in Spokane County and online through social media.
For more details, please call 509-477-4727 ext. #125 or view the contest flyer here.
2024 Expo 50 Poster Contest
Last year, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Expo ’74, we partnered with the Spokane Conservation District, the Spokane County Regional Solid Waste System, and the Lands Council to host a poster contest with the theme “Make a World of Difference! Care for our water, land, and air.”
Below is a collage of the 2024 poster contest finalists. The finalists were awarded prizes donated by local businesses. Thank you to Chaos Arcade, Flying Squirrel, Garland Theater, Jump for Joy, LaserMaxx, Mobius, Pizza Pipeline, Players & Spectators, Spokane Indians, Wild Walls, and Wonderland Fun Center for their generous donations!

EnviroKids’ Club
We are a participating agency supporting the EnviroKids Club. EnviroKids’ Club is open to K-6 grade/school-aged children residing in Spokane County. Membership is free and includes a quarterly newsletter full of information, activities and invitations to local environmental/outdoor activities. Members can earn points to “purchase” special prizes.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
We work with scouting, campfire and other non-school based organizations within Spokane County. Call 509-477-4727 ext. 125 to discuss and schedule an air quality program that fits your needs.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax