Current restrictions (Spokane County):
Wood heating: There are no restrictions on the proper use of wood heating devices (fireplaces, wood stoves, wood fireplace inserts) at this time. Please review the wood heating requirements before you burn.
Outdoor burning: There are no restrictions on outdoor burning, as long as you follow the outdoor burning program requirements, found here.
Thank you for checking the current burning restrictions page. To receive an email notification when temporary restrictions are issued and lifted, subscribe to our email lists here.
restrictions are issued and lifted
Understanding burn restrictions
Spokane Clean Air, local fire protection agencies, and County officials may issue temporary restrictions on burning for different purposes, as outlined below.
Air Quality-Based Restrictions on Wood Heating and Outdoor Burning
There are two stages of temporary restrictions on burning:
Stage 1 restrictions are initiated when fine particle pollution is rising and expected to continue to rise based on current and forecasted weather conditions. During a Stage 1:
- No burning is allowed in wood-burning fireplaces, non-EPA certified wood stoves and inserts unless wood is your only adequate source of heat and you have an approved exemption from Spokane Clean Air.* Restrictions typically apply to the Spokane County Smoke Control Zone (map in next section) but can be extended countywide.
- All outdoor burning of solid fuel (e.g. wood, charcoal, silvicultural) is prohibited in Spokane County.
- Allowed: Pellet stoves, EPA-certified wood stoves and inserts
Stage 2 restrictions are initiated when fine particle pollution levels reach a trigger value set by state law.
- No burning is allowed in ANY wood burning device, unless this is your only adequate source of heat and you have an approved exemption from Spokane Clean Air.* Restrictions typically apply to the Spokane County Smoke Control Zone (map in next section) but can be extended countywide.
- All outdoor burning of solid fuel (e.g. wood, charcoal, silvicultural, etc.) is prohibited in Spokane County.
*Excess visible smoke is never allowed. Learn more about this and other wood heating requirements here.
Smoke Control Zone
Wood heating restrictions are typically issued for the Smoke Control Zone (map below), although they can be extended countywide if conditions dictate. If an air pollution episode is declared by the state, a restriction can extend throughout the region or state.
The Smoke Control Zone represents the more concentrated residential and commercial areas of the County, areas where air pollution levels are highest due to the density of homes and businesses and air flow patterns.

Outdoor burn restrictions apply countywide when Spokane Clean Air issues a Stage 1/Yellow or Stage 2/Red Impaired Air Quality burn restrictions.
The boundaries of the Smoke Control Zone are roughly:
City of Spokane
North to Owens Road
Spokane Valley to Idaho border
South to Gibbs Road
West to Hayford Road
If you live close to the boundary lines, call us at 509-477-4727 during normal business hours, and we can assist you by using a more detailed map.
Exemptions from Wood Heating Burn Restrictions
If you do not have an adequate source of heat, you may apply for a seasonal exemption. Garages, outbuildings, etc., do not qualify for exemptions.
Please apply before the start of the heating season. To qualify for an exemption, one or more or these situations must apply:
- You have no adequate source of heat. Residence originally constructed with wood heating device as primary source of heat.
- Your income qualifies for energy assistance per SNAP.
- Your primary heat system is temporarily inoperable and being repaired.
If a burn restriction is in effect and you have not applied for an exemption, you may qualify for a one-time, 10-day temporary exemption. There is no fee for this temporary exemption but it is limited to one per property address, including rentals. It is designed to provide you with 10 consecutive days to apply for one of the three seasonal exemptions listed above.
To apply please call Spokane Clean Air at 509-477-4727 during office hours (Mon–Fri., 8 am – 4:30 pm). If you are unable to call during office hours, please call and leave your name, phone number, and address on the recording.
Whether you heat regularly with wood or just have a fire occasionally, be aware of the additional wood burning requirements.
Is My Wood Burning Device EPA-certified?
During a Stage 1 burn ban (Yellow) only EPA-certified wood burning stoves and inserts may be used, therefore, it’s important to know if your device is EPA-certified or not.
- If your wood stove (free-standing or insert) was manufactured prior to 1993, it probably is not EPA-certified. If it was manufactured in 1993 or later there should be a label on your device indicating EPA certification if it is certified. Certification can only be done at the manufacturer level. If there is no label present, the device has not been tested for emissions in an approved laboratory setting, and therefore is not EPA-certified.
- Below is an example of a label that can be found on wood stoves that are EPA-certified. Sometimes the labels are on the back of the stoves.

Air Quality vs Fire Danger Burn Restrictions
Air Quality versus Fire Danger Burn Restrictions
Air quality-based restrictions are issued and enforced by Spokane Clean Air when fine particle pollution (PM2.5) is rising or is already elevated. These restrictions on wood heating and outdoor burning are most often issued during fall/winter but can be issued at other times of the year. When air quality is affected during wildfire season, restrictions are typically in place (see below).
Fire danger-based restrictions can be placed on outdoor burning by many jurisdictions, including fire protection agencies and County officials. Restrictions are typically in place during summer into fall and are lifted by fire officials when they deem it safe to do so. Some factors that contribute to elevated fire danger include high temperatures and a lack of significant precipitation. Spokane Clean Air does not issue restrictions based on fire danger, but we can enforce the restrictions. We report the combined information from Spokane County and the fire districts to communicate current burn restrictions to area residents.
For more information on fire safety burn restrictions, contact your fire marshal. If you are not sure who to contact, you can input your address into SCOUT to find your fire department or district.