Notice of Construction (NOC) & Portable Source Permit (PSP) applications received.
This page displays NOC and PSP applications open for public review and the status of each application. NOCs are listed first, followed by PSPs.
New or modified air pollution sources are required to obtain an NOC permit.
Public notice of NOC applications received and the minimum 15-day public notice period, are listed below. During the 15-day public notice period, you may submit a written request for a public comment period. Upon receipt of the written request, a public comment period will be held pursuant to SRCAA Regulation I, Section 5.05(D).
To review documents related to the NOC applications listed below, you may do so in person at our office, Mon-Fri, 8-4:30 pm. You may also review documents by request, using this records request form or call us at 509-477-4727 for other options.
January 1, 2020 to date
Portable Source Permit (PSP) applications
Permission is required to install and operate a portable, temporary source. Below is a listing of PSP applications received and announcement of a minimum 15-day public notice period are published below. A public comment period may be requested in writing during the 15-day public notice period. Applications and approvals issued below are available for review at Spokane Clean Air, during business hours. You may submit a records request form to review file(s) or call (509) 477-4727.