Working with you for clean air
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency (Spokane Clean Air) is a special purpose, local government entity chartered under the 1967 Washington State Clean Air Act. We administer local, state, and federal air quality laws and regulations and provide programs and services to achieve our mission to preserve, protect, and enhance Spokane County’s air resources for current and future generations.
We carry out our work with the support of our member entities, which include Spokane County and its incorporated cities and towns of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Airway Heights, Cheney, Deer Park, Latah, Liberty Lake, Medical Lake, Millwood, Rockford, Spangle, and Waverly.
Spokane County and its cities and towns contribute to the work we do on behalf of their citizens through an annual assessment. Our projected revenue for fiscal year 2025 is $3.1 million, which comes from: local assessments (38%), fee-based programs (36%), federal and state grants (16%), large facility permit fees (7%), penalties (2%), and misc revenue (1%).

Our office
We are located in the Enduris Professional Center:
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency
1610 S. Technology Blvd., Suite 101
Spokane, WA 99224
(509) 477-4727
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
email list: