Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda (Amended)
Thursday, February 6, 2020
8:30 am (earlier start time for this month)
1. State Implementation Plan & Regulation Updates – Margee Chambers (30 mins.)
1. Advisory Council Report – AC Member (5 mins.)
2. Executive Director’s Report – Julie Oliver (5 mins.)
a. Approval of the January 9, 2019 Board Minutes
b. Approval of Vouchers for January, 2019, numbered 11629 thru 11643, 11646 thru 11671 & 11673 thru 11687 with Claims totaling $78,930.09 and Payroll numbered 11644, 11645 & 11672 and EFTs totaling $192,237.90 – for a Grand Total of $271,167.99
a. RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) & (c) – Regarding Acquisition and/or Sale of Real Estate – (15 mins.)
5. Activity Reports: December
a. Public Information/Education Update – Lisa Woodard (5 mins.)
b. Compliance Activity – Lori Rodriguez (5 mins.)
c. Permitting Activity – April Westby (5 mins.)
d. Air Monitoring Activity – Julie Oliver (5 mins.)
e. Financial Status Report – Michelle Zernick (5 mins.)
6. Public Forum – This is an opportunity for citizens to discuss items of interest not related to the current agenda. Each speaker will be limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise deemed by the Chair. If you wish to address the Board, please fill out a sign-up card located at the front desk and give to the secretary at the front of the board room. When the Chair calls your name, come to the podium and state your name.
7. Board Concerns – Will there be a quorum for the March meeting?
Next board meeting March 5, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.
8. Adjournment
FOR SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS/TRANSLATION SERVICES call (509) 477-4727 or fax (509) 477-6828, 48 hours in advance. SRCAA assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities Act.