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News & Notices


September 10, 2022

Wildfire smoke…steps to reduce your exposure

Wildfire smoke is affecting air quality this weekend. Smoke creates hazy skies, but it can also take its toll on your health. Protect your health by reducing your exposure to smoke. Here are some ways you can do this…
July 8, 2022

Be Smoke-Ready

Summer is here and plans are well underway for a variety of outdoor activities. Protect your health by having a back-up plan if it gets smoky outside.
July 8, 2022

The heat, the sunshine…it’s ozone season in Spokane.

Summer is in full swing and so is the heat. Temperatures have now settled into the seasonal upper 80s and 90s. As the temperature heats up, ground-level ozone pollution tends to increase as well. So what exactly is ozone? Good up high, bad nearby Ozone can be found in two locations – in the Earth’s…
May 20, 2022

May I burn outdoors? Answers to this FAQ…

Spring is the time of year when we receive the most inquiries from area residents about outdoor burning on private property.
May 19, 2022

Yesterday’s winds caused a short spike in air pollution

Yesterday afternoon’s winds brought in dust from the Columbia Basin. The screenshot of the dust event shows data collected at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. It was a short-lived spike, thankfully. Dust (particulate matter) climbed very close to the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups/Orange on the Air Quality Index (AQI). These charts can be found on our Current…
May 6, 2022

Celebrate Air Quality Awareness Week

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and their partners are promoting Air Quality Awareness Week. To support these efforts, we’ll share information each day this week. Check back each day for more info and links to resources. Be Air Aware & Prepared.
April 21, 2022

State of the Air report underscores wildfire smoke impact on air quality in the Pacific NW

Over a three year period, 2018-2020, Spokane had 23 days of unhealthy air quality due to wildfire smoke.
April 11, 2022

Winds can create dusty conditions; take steps to protect your lungs

This time of year, air quality can be affected by dust from windy conditions. When it is dusty, it is important to take precautions to protect your health.