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News & Notices


February 9, 2023

Rob’s Demolition named the 2023 Clean Air Award recipient

The Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency is proud to recognize Rob’s Demolition, Inc., as the 2023 Clean Air Award winner. “Rob’s Demolition is to be commended for the impeccable work they do on multiple levels to ensure that asbestos is properly identified and handled prior to demolition,” said Scott Windsor, Spokane Clean Air’s Executive Director.…
January 3, 2023

Time is running out! Swap out your old stove while grant funds remain.

There are five months left to benefit from the Wood Stove Changeout program, which provides pre-qualified applicants an incentive (discount) to replace their old wood stove with a new wood, pellet, or gas stove or a mini-split, ductless heat pump.
November 22, 2022

Restrictions lifted on wood heating and outdoor burning

Restrictions on outdoor burning and wood heating have been lifted as air quality should improve with the arrival of today’s Pacific storm. Thank you to everyone who withheld burning during the restriction. We appreciate your help in protecting our air.
November 18, 2022

Restrictions on wood heating and outdoor burning, effective 8 a.m., Sat., Nov. 19th

Due to stagnant weather patterns and increasing fine particle (smoke) pollution, restrictions on outdoor burning and indoor wood heating will go into effect at 8 a.m., Saturday, November 19, until further notice. “We are issuing these temporary restrictions as a cautionary measure to protect public health. Microscopic smoke particles have the potential to reach unhealthful…
October 18, 2022

Save up to $2,000 to replace your old wood stove!

Brrrrr….cold weather has arrived. The focus quickly shifted from cooling our homes to heating them! Pre-qualified homeowners who use old wood stoves (freestanding or inserted into firebox) may qualify for an $800 to $1,000 “instant rebate” off a new device. “These incentives are helping people replace their inefficient, old wood stoves,” said Lisa Woodard, Spokane…
September 14, 2022

Air quality failed health standards five consecutive days; welcomed improvements today

Spokanites, rejoice! Our county is finally getting some reprieve from the wildfire smoke that has plagued us for days.
September 13, 2022

Air quality will slowly improve today and tomorrow.

It’ll take some time to clear out all of this smoke! Air quality should slowly improve throughout today to the AQI – Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups/Orange range this afternoon/evening and early Wednesday.
September 12, 2022

Heavy smoke continues today, reprieve is in sight.

Wildfire smoke will continue to stick around, although a reprieve is in sight for tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile, protect your health by reducing your exposure to smoke. Here are some ways you can do this: