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Deadline Extended: Third Annual Clean Air Month Poster Contest

Deadline for posters extended to Friday, April 26! Calling all Spokane County artists in grades K-6! Clean Air Month Poster Contest – ALL Participants will receive a FREE slice of Pizza Pipeline pizza!

Help us celebrate Clean Air Month in May by participating in a poster contest. Create a poster, using the theme: 50 years of clean air progress.   

All students that submit a poster will receive a coupon for a FREE slice of pizza from Pizza Pipeline. Additional prizes will also be awarded to finalists.

Posters will be displayed throughout Spokane County during Clean Air Month in May. Official rules can be found below. To download the poster contest release form, please click here. 

Questions? Please contact Stephanie May at SMay@spokanecleanair.org or 509-477-4727, ext. 125. 

Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency “50 Years of Clean Air Progress” Poster Contest Rules

Posters must be letter-size (8 1/2 x 11). You may use the medium of your choice (e.g. crayon, marker, colored pencil, paint, etc.). The student’s name must not appear on the front of the poster.

Primary consideration for judging are, in priority:

  • Use of the theme “50 years of clean air progress.”
  • Originality
  • Artistic ability

Finalists will be selected for display throughout Spokane County, including Spokane County Libraries and River Park Square, during the month of May. Grade level finalists will be chosen for special recognition and prizes from the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Mobius Science Center, and more.

Posters must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2019, at Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency, 3104 E. Augusta Ave, Spokane, WA 99207.

Entrants must be in grades K-6 and either reside or attend school in Spokane County. Complete a signed release form and attach it to the back of the completed posted with small pieces of tape. Form can be found here.  

Prizes provided by: 


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